Teaching Philosophy

Students today have such valuable experiences in the field of apparel. They are running fashion shows, writing for school fashion magazines, creating fashion blogs, and working in internships as assistant  designers and merchandisers. The dynamic nature of this student community informs my philosophy of teaching. I believe in fostering collaborative learning environments that inspire and prepare students to be critical thinkers for a future in the fashion industry.

I employ a variety of teaching strategies including interactive lectures, discussions, films, videos, case studies, and individual and group projects. I am also open to new innovative techniques such as the flipped classroom and game-based learning. I also recognize that every technique may not be effective for every student. Therefore, I value diversity in methods of teaching and evaluation in order to address the diversity of students and learning styles present in the study body and give students a voice in their own learning process.

As a teacher, I believe it is also important to investigate new knowledge in teaching and learning to identify current best practices for each class. I have empirically investigated new teaching methods in the undergraduate classroom and have published an evaluation of a graduate-level apparel program. I have also transformed individual assignments by collaborating with industry executives at major brands and retailers, and used industry and trend reports to engage students in discussion and apply their skills to known industry situations. I believe it is important to keep learning, and have recently completed a certificate in Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Pedagogies of Inclusive Excellence.

I hope to bring an absolute love and enthusiasm of apparel along with a critical eye to industry and academic practices into my current and future teaching. By creating interactive, collaborative, and inclusive learning environments using a variety of teaching strategies, I hope to teach not only skills, but also inspire a life-long passion for the field and challenges of apparel merchandising and design.

Courses Taught

San Francisco State University

Course Title Catalog# Credit Hours Number of Students Years Taught
Apparel Construction ADM 261 3 20-30 2017-present
Fashion, Clothing, & Society ADM 360 3 25-30 2017-present
Fashion Forecasting ADM 366 3 30 2018-present
Merchandising & Buying ADM 369 3 60 2018-present
Culture & Historical Costume ADM 561 3 80 2018-present
Advanced Apparel Design ADM 661 3 25 2018-present
Sustainability in the Textile, Housing, & Food Industries FCS 543 3 30 2018-present

Iowa State University

Course Title Catalog# Credit Hours Number of Students Years Taught
Undergraduate Research AMD 499 1-2 2 2016
Merchandise Planning & Control AMD 376 4 50 2014, 2016
Merchandise Planning & Control Lab AMD 376L 1 40 2015
Overview of the Fashion Industry AMD 131 3 50 2015
Retail Information Analysis Lab AMD 475L 1 20 2013, 2014, 2015

Courses Assisted

Iowa State University

Course Title SFSU Catalog# Credit Hours Number of Students Years Taught
Apparel Design I: Flat Pattern ADM 361 3 30 2013
Apparel Construction ADM 261 3 30 2012