My design sensibility has evolved over the years from being purely creative (as in the art deco designs at the bottom of this page), to commercially-oriented design work (see commercial designs), and is now focused on how advances in apparel design techniques can be used to highlight global issues such as sustainability and social justice. My academic work has been recognized in competitive juried exhibitions across the US. Following is a sample of my work. Please click on the titles for further information.

Mariana Arc

Separation & Unity

Separation & Unity Front          Focus Garment Back         Focus Garment Front Lighted


paramount-no-background          paramount-front           paramount-back


|                                 Arch Front                 arch-back

Repurposed Style

|                                 Repurposed Style                        Repurposed Style Back

Coming up Roses

|                                 coming up roses front                        coming up roses back


|                                 deco coat front white bkg        Deco Coat Back White Bkg

Deco Darling

Art Deco Finale 2

Freedom to Move

| AventuraFreedom to Move Back